New Property Launches KL & Selangor

Gamuda Gardens
Rawang / Sungai Buloh
Gamuda Gardens is an 810-acre mixed development in Sungai Buloh/Rawang, offering low-density nature-inspired homes nestled in a myriad of amenities and conveniences.
WHAT’S NEW • Heston Hills at Gamuda Gardens Esteem • The Clove 8-home cluster with communal garden • Valeria Garden Homes • Monarc @ Gamuda Gardens Esteem

Gardens Park
Rawang / Sungai Buloh
Gardens Park is a 532-acre mixed development adjacent to Gamuda Gardens (connected via a park connector), offering freehold landed homes with a 50-acre Ring Park.
WHAT’S NEW • Astor Double Storey Park Home

Gamuda Cove
Kuala Langat/Dengkil
Gamuda Cove is a 1,530 acre satellite city in Kuala Langat/Dengkil fringed by the Kuala Langat Forest Reserve and Paya Indah Wetlands, with a dedicated interchange on ELITE Highway.
WHAT’S NEW • North Wood Residences • The Clove • Mori Pines • MIO Spring • Maya Bay Residences • Wetland Estates (Waterlily & Heron)
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